Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Java JDK 8 Update 60 (32-bit)

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    Oracle / Java Development Kit (32-bit)

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Java Development Kit (also known as JDK) contains the software and tools that you need to compile, debug, and run applets and applications that you've written using the Java programming language. JDK has as its primary components a collection of programming tools, including javac, jar, and the archiver, which packages related class libraries into a single JAR file. This tool also helps manage JAR files, javadoc - the documentation generator, which automatically generates documentation from source code comments, jdb - the debugger, jps - the process status tool, which displays process information for current Java processes, javap - the class file disassembler, and so many other components.

The JDK also comes with a complete Java Runtime Environment, usually called a private runtime. It consists of a Java Virtual Machine and all of the class libraries present in the production environment, as well as additional libraries only useful to developers, and such as the internat ionalization libraries and the IDL libraries.

Contents of the JDK:

Development Tools
(In the bin/ subdirectory) Tools and utilities that will help you develop, execute, debug, and document programs written in the JavaTM programming language.

Runtime Environment
(In the jre/ subdirectory) An implementation of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for use by the JDK. The JRE includes a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), class libraries, and other files that support the execution of programs written in the Java programming language.

Additional Libraries
(In the lib/ subdirectory) Additional class libraries and support files required by the development tools.

Demo Applets and Applications
(In the demo/ subdirectory) Examples, with source code, of programming for the Javaplatform. These include examples that use Swing and other Java Foundation Clas ses, and the Java Platform Debugger Architecture.

Sample Code
(In the sample subdirectory) Samples, with source code, of programming for certain Java API's.

C header Files
(In the include/ subdirectory) Header files that support native-code programming using the Java Native Interface, the JVM Tool Interface, and other functionality of the Javaplatform.

Source Code
(In Java programming language source files for all classes that make up the Java core API (that is, sources files for the java.*, javax.* and some org.* packages, but not for com.sun.* packages). This source code is provided for informational purposes only, to help developers learn and use the Java programming language. These files do not include platform-specific implementation code and cannot be used to rebuild the class libraries. To extract these file, use any common zip utility. Or, you may use the Jar utility i n the JD K's bin/ directory: jar xvf

Also Available: Download Java Development Kit for Mac

Tags: java development kit, jdk, java platform, java development tool, runtime environment, additional libraries, create apps in java, jdk platform, Java JDK 8 Update 60 (32-bit) Download for Windows / Change Log /

The basic tool you need in order to create apps in Java

Java Development Kit (32-bit)
Download Java JDK 8 Update 60 (32-bit)

Java JDK 8 Update 60 (32-bit)

 -  100% Safe  -  Freeware

What's new in this version:

- This releases includes support for ARMv8 processors, Nashorn enhancements, and improvements to Deployment Rule Set functionality

Bug fixes:
- JDK-8077518 client-libs XMLParserTest unit test failure.
- JDK-8077982 client-libs GIFLIB upgrade
- JDK-8078654 client-libs CloseTTFontFileFunc callback should be removed
- JDK-8081315 client-libs 8077982 giflib upgrade breaks system giflib builds with earlier versions
- JDK-8129116 client-libs Deadlock with multimonitor fullscreen windows.
- JDK-7145508 client-libs [embedded] java.awt.GraphicsDevice.get/setDisplayMode behavior is incorrect when no display is present
- JDK-8017773 client-libs 2d OpenJDK7 returns incorrect TrueType font metrics
- JDK-8035371 client-libs 2d gcc compiler warnings in closed source code
- JDK-8036930 client-libs 2d Type1 font not loaded by java.awt.Font.createFont
- JDK-8061831 client-libs 2d [OGL] "java.lang.InternalError: not implemented yet " during the blit of VI to VI in xor mode
- JDK-8066132 client-libs 2d BufferedImage::getPropertyNames() always returns null
- JDK-8067364 client-libs 2d Printing to Postscript doesn't support dieresis
- JDK-8073001 client-libs 2d Java's system LnF on OS X: editable JComboBoxes are being rendered incorrectly
- JDK-8076419 client-libs 2d Path2D copy constructors and clone method propagate size of arrays from source path
- JDK-8078331 client-libs 2d Upgrade JDK to use LittleCMS 2.7
- JDK-8078464 client-libs 2d Path2D storage growth algorithms should be less linear
- JDK-8079652 client-libs 2d Could not enable D3D pipeline
- JDK-8085910 client-libs 2d OGL text renderer: gamma lut cleanup
- JDK-8104577 client-libs demo Remove debugging message from Font2DTest demo
- JDK-6475361 client-libs java.awt Attempting to remove help menu from java.awt.MenuBar throws NullPointerException
- JDK-7155963 client-libs java.awt Deadlock in SystemFl avorMap. getFlavorsForNative and SunToolkit.awtLock
- JDK-8020443 client-libs java.awt Frame is not created on the specified GraphicsDevice with two monitors
- JDK-8039926 client-libs java.awt -spash: can't be combined with -xStartOnFirstThread since JDK 7
- JDK-8042585 client-libs java.awt [macosx] Unused code in LWCToolkit.m
- JDK-8043393 client-libs java.awt NullPointerException and no event received when clipboard data flavor changes
- JDK-8056151 client-libs java.awt Switching to GTK L&F on-the-fly leads to X Window System error RenderBadPicture
- JDK-8056915 client-libs java.awt Focus lost in applet when browser window is minimized and restored
- JDK-8058930 client-libs java.awt GraphicsEnvironment.getHeadlessProperty() does not work for AIX
- JDK-8061636 client-libs java.awt Fix for JDK-7079254 changes behavior of MouseListener, MouseMotionListener
- JDK-8064934 client-libs java.awt Incorrect Exception message from java.awt.Desk ()
- JDK-8068886 client-libs java.awt IDEA IntelliJ crashes in objc_msgSend when an accessibility tool is enabled
- JDK-8071306 client-libs java.awt GUI perfomance are very slow compared java 1.6.0_45
- JDK-8072069 client-libs java.awt Toolkit.getScreenInsets() doesn't update if insets change
- JDK-8072088 client-libs java.awt [PIT] NPE in DnD tests apparently because of the fix to JDK-8061636
- JDK-8072769 client-libs java.awt System tray icon title freezes java
- JDK-8072775 client-libs java.awt Tremendous memory usage by JTextArea
- JDK-8073453 client-libs java.awt Focus doesn't move when pressing Shift + Tab keys
- JDK-8074500 client-libs java.awt java.awt.Checkbox.setState() call causes ItemEvent to be filed
- JDK-8075609 client-libs java.awt java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: aContainer is not a focus cycle root of aComponent
- JDK-8077409 client-libs java.awt Drawing deviates when validate() is invoked on java.awt.Scr ollPane< br />- JDK-8077686 client-libs java.awt OperationTimedOut exception inside from XToolkit.syncNativeQueue call on Ubuntu 15.04
- JDK-8078606 client-libs java.awt Deadlock in awt clipboard
- JDK-8080137 client-libs java.awt Dragged events for extra mouse buttons (4,5,6) are not generated on JSplitPane
- JDK-8081371 client-libs java.awt [PIT] Test closed/java/awt/FullScreen/DisplayMode/ switches Linux to the single device mode
- JDK-8130752 client-libs java.awt Wrong changes were pushed with 8068886
- JDK-8076455 client-libs java.awt:i18n IME Composition Window is displayed on incorrect position
- JDK-8067657 client-libs java.beans Dead/outdated links in Javadoc of package java.beans
- JDK-8069268 client-libs javax.accessibility JComponent.AccessibleJComponent.addPropertyListeners adds exponential listeners
- JDK-8076182 client-libs javax.accessibility Open Source Java Access Bridge - Create Patch for JEP C127 8055831
- JDK- 8078408 client-libs Java version applet hangs with Voice over turned on
- JDK-4952954 client-libs abort flag is not cleared for every write operation for JPEG ImageWriter
- JDK-4958064 client-libs javax.imageio JPGWriter does not throw UnsupportedException when canWriteSequence retunsfalse
- JDK-8074954 client-libs javax.imageio ImageInputStreamImpl.readShort/readIntdo not behave correctly at EOF
- JDK-6206437 client-libs javax.swing Typo in JInternalFrame setDefaultCloseOperation() doc (WindowClosing --> internalFrameClosing)
- JDK-6338077 client-libs javax.swing link back to self in javadoc JTextArea.replaceRange()
- JDK-6459798 client-libs javax.swing JDesktopPane,JFileChooser violate encapsulation by returning internal Dimensions
- JDK-6459800 client-libs javax.swing Some Swing classes violate encapsulation by returning internal Insets
- JDK-6470361 client-libs javax.swing Swing's Threading Policy example does not compile
- JDK-651 5713 client-libs javax.swing example in JFormattedTextField API docs instantiates abstract class
- JDK-6573305 client-libs javax.swing Animated icon is not visible by click on menu
- JDK-7180976 client-libs javax.swing Pending String deadlocks UIDefaults
- JDK-8013820 client-libs javax.swing JavaDoc for JSpinner contains errors
- JDK-8015085 client-libs javax.swing [macosx] Label shortening via " ... " broken when String contains combining diaeresis
- JDK-8033000 client-libs javax.swing No Horizontal Mouse Wheel Support In BasicScrollPaneUI
- JDK-8033069 client-libs javax.swing mouse wheel scroll closes combobox popup
- JDK-8041470 client-libs javax.swing JButtons stay pressed after they have lost focus if you use the mouse wheel
- JDK-8041642 client-libs javax.swing Incorrect paint of JProgressBar in Nimbus LF
- JDK-8041654 client-libs javax.swing OutOfMemoryError: RepaintManager doesn't clean up cache of volatile images
- J DK-80444 44 client-libs javax.swing The output's 'Page-n' footer does not show completely.
- JDK-8048289 client-libs javax.swing Gtk: call to UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName() leads to crash
- JDK-8051617 client-libs javax.swing Fullscreen mode is not working properly on Xorg
- JDK-8064939 client-libs javax.swing SwingSet2: Themes are incorrectly enabled when running with Nimbus Look and feel
- JDK-8071705 client-libs javax.swing Java application menu misbehaves when running multiple screen stacked vertically
- JDK-8072448 client-libs javax.swing Can not input Japanese in JTextField on RedHat Linux
- JDK-8073795 client-libs javax.swing JMenuBar looks bad under retina
- JDK-8074956 client-libs javax.swing ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModel.first()
- JDK-8080628 client-libs javax.swing No mnemonics on Open and Save buttons in JFileChooser
- JDK-8066504 core-libs GetVersionEx in java.base/windo ws/nativ e/libjava/java_props_md.c might not get correct Windows version
- JDK-8068580 core-libs JavaAdapterFactory.isAutoConvertibleFromFunction should be more robust
- JDK-8074657 core-libs Missing space on a boundary of concatenated strings
- JDK-8081674 core-libs EmptyStackException at startup if running with extended or unsupported charset
- JDK-8098547 core-libs (tz) Support tzdata2015e
- JDK-8065372 core-libs java.lang Object.wait(ms, ns) timeout returns early
- JDK-8067471 core-libs java.lang Use private static final char[0] for empty Strings
- JDK-8067748 core-libs java.lang (process) Child is terminated when parent's console is closed [win]
- JDK-8069302 core-libs java.lang Deprecate Unsafe monitor methods in JDK 8u release
- JDK-8059455 core-libs java.lang.invoke LambdaForm.prepare() does unnecessary work for cached LambdaForms
- JDK-8063137 core-libs java.lang.invoke Never taken branches should be pruned when GWT LambdaFor ms are s hared
- JDK-8069591 core-libs java.lang.invoke Customize LambdaForms which are invoked using MH.invoke/invokeExact
- JDK-8071788 core-libs java.lang.invoke CountingWrapper.asType() is broken
- JDK-8077054 core-libs java.lang.invoke DMH LFs should be customizeable
- JDK-8078290 core-libs java.lang.invoke Customize adapted MethodHandle in MH.invoke() case
- JDK-8064846 core-libs java.lang:reflect Lazy-init thread safety problems in core reflection
- JDK-8066842 core-libs java.math java.math.BigDecimal.divide(BigDecimal, RoundingMode) produces incorrect result
- JDK-8065994 core-libs HTTP Tunnel connection to NTLM proxy reauthenticates instead of using keep-alive
- JDK-8067680 core-libs (sctp) Possible race initializing native IDs
- JDK-8067846 core-libs (sctp) InternalError when receiving SendFailedNotification
- JDK-8068028 core-libs JNI exception pending in jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net- JD K-8068795 core-libs HttpServer missing tailing space for some response codes
- JDK-8072384 core-libs Setting IP_TOS on sockets not working on unix
- JDK-8077155 core-libs LoginContext Subject ignored by jdk8
- JDK-8080819 core-libs Inet4AddressImpl regression caused by JDK-7180557
- JDK-8064407 core-libs java.nio (fc) FileChannel transferTo should use TransmitFile on Windows
- JDK-8068507 core-libs java.nio (fc) Rename the new system property to jdk.nio.enableFastFileTransfer
- JDK-8071599 core-libs java.nio (so) Socket adapter sendUrgentData throws IllegalBlockingMode when channel configured non-blocking
- JDK-8071447 core-libs java.nio.charsets IBM1166 Locale Request for Kazakh characters
- JDK-8080248 core-libs java.nio.charsets Coding regression in HKSCS charsets
- JDK-8081479 core-libs java.sql Backport JDBC tests f rom JDK 9 from test/java/sql and test/javax/sql to JDK 8u.
- JDK-8074791 core-libs java.text Long-form date format incorrect month string for Finnish locale
- JDK-8075173 core-libs java.text DateFormat in german locale returns wrong value for month march
- JDK-8034906 core-libs java.time Fix typos, errors and Javadoc differences in java.time
- JDK-8062796 core-libs java.time java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter error in API doc example
- JDK-8062803 core-libs java.time principal' should be 'principle' in java.time package description
- JDK-8075676 core-libs java.time java.time package javadoc typos
- JDK-8075678 core-libs java.time java.time javadoc error in DateTimeFormatter::parsedLeapSecond
- JDK-8081022 core-libs java.time java/time/test/java/time/format/ fails by timeout on slow device
- JDK-8068790 core-libs java.util ZipEntry/JarEntry.setCreation/LastAccessTime(null) don't throw NPE as specified< br />- J DK-8072909 core-libs java.util TimSort fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on worst case long arrays
- JDK-8068432 core-libs java.util.concurrent Inconsistent exception handling in CompletableFuture.thenCompose
- JDK-8078490 core-libs java.util.concurrent Missed submissions in ForkJoinPool
- JDK-8080623 core-libs java.util.concurrent CPU overhead in FJ due to spinning in awaitWork
- JDK-8085978 core-libs java.util.concurrent LinkedTransferQueue.spliterator can report LTQ.Node object, not T
- JDK-8068338 core-libs java.util.jar Better message about incompatible zlib in Deflater.init
- JDK-8073497 core-libs java.util.jar Lazy conversion of ZipEntry time
- JDK-8076641 core-libs java.util.jar getNextEntry throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when unzipping file
- JDK-8129120 core-libs Terminal operation properties should not be back-propagated to upstream operations
- JDK-7044727 core-libs java.util:i18n (tz) T imeZone. getDefault() call returns incorrect value in Windows terminal session
- JDK-8055088 core-libs java.util:i18n Optimization for locale resources loading isn't working
- JDK-8072602 core-libs java.util:i18n Unpredictable timezone on Windows when OS's timezone is not found in tzmappings
- JDK-8074350 core-libs java.util:i18n Support ISO 4217 "Current funds codes" table (A.2)
- JDK-8075548 core-libs java.util:i18n SimpleDateFormat formatting of "LLLL" in English is incorrect; should be identical to "MMMM"
- JDK-8076287 core-libs java.util:i18n Performance degradation observed with TimeZone Benchmark
- JDK-6991580 core-libs javax.naming IPv6 Nameservers in resolv.conf throws NumberFormatException
- JDK-7011441 core-libs javax.naming ./jndi/ldap/ needs to avoid spurious wakeup
- JDK-8074761 core-libs javax.naming Empty optional parameters of LDAP query are not interpreted as empty
- JDK-8062030 core-libs javax.script Nasho rn bug r etrieving array property after key string concatenation
- JDK-8068279 core-libs javax.script (typo in the spec) javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory.getLanguageName
- JDK-8068462 core-libs javax.script javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory.getParameter spec is not completely consistent with the rest of the API
- JDK-8068872 core-libs javax.script Nashorn JSON.parse drops numeric keys
- JDK-8071928 core-libs javax.script Instance properties with getters returning wrong values
- JDK-8072002 core-libs javax.script The spec on javax.script.Compilable contains a typo and confusing inconsistency
- JDK-8073846 core-libs javax.script Javascript for-in loop returned extra keys
- JDK-8059411 core-libs javax.sql RowSetWarning does not correctly chain warnings
- JDK-8062198 core-libs javax.sql Add RowSetMetaDataImpl Tests and add column range validation to isdefinitlyWritable
- JDK-8066188 core-libs javax.sql BaseRowSet returns the wrong default value for esc ape processing
- JDK-8007456 core-libs jdk.nashorn Nashorn test framework @argument does not handle quoted strings
- JDK-8012190 core-libs jdk.nashorn Global scope should be initialized lazily
- JDK-8035712 core-libs jdk.nashorn Investigate if RuntimeCallSite linkage can be removed
- JDK-8049300 core-libs jdk.nashorn jjs scripting: need way to quote $EXEC command arguments to protect spaces
- JDK-8053905 core-libs jdk.nashorn Eager code generation fails for earley boyer with split threshold set to 1000
- JDK-8066407 core-libs jdk.nashorn Function with same body not reparsed after SyntaxError
- JDK-8066773 core-libs jdk.nashorn JSON-friendly wrapper for objects
- JDK-8067139 core-libs jdk.nashorn Finally blocks inlined incorrectly
- JDK-8067215 core-libs jdk.nashorn Disable dual fields when not using optimistic types
- JDK-8067420 core-libs jdk.nashorn BrowserJSObjectLinker should give priority to beans linker for property get /set
- JDK-8067636 core-libs jdk.nashorn ant javadoc target is broken
- JDK-8067774 core-libs jdk.nashorn Local variable type calculation mismatch
- JDK-8067854 core-libs jdk.nashorn bound java static method throws NPE when 'null' is used for this argument
- JDK-8067880 core-libs jdk.nashorn Dead typed push methods in ArrayData
- JDK-8067931 core-libs jdk.nashorn Improve error message when with statement is passed a POJO
- JDK-8068431 core-libs jdk.nashorn @since and @jdk.Exported are missing in jdk.nashorn.api.scripting classes and files
- JDK-8068524 core-libs jdk.nashorn NashornScriptEngineFactory.getParameter() throws IAE for an unknown key, doesn't conform to the general spec
- JDK-8068603 core-libs jdk.nashorn NashornScriptEngine.put/get() impls don't conform to NPE, IAE spec assertions
- JDK-8068784 core-libs jdk.nashorn Halve the function object creation code size
- JDK-8068985 core-libs jdk.nashorn Wrong 't his' bou nd to eval call within a function when caller's 'this' is a Java object
- JDK-8071989 core-libs jdk.nashorn NashornScriptEngine returns javax.script.ScriptContext instance with insonsistent get/remove methods behavior for undefined attributes
- JDK-8071991 core-libs jdk.nashorn Build errors in 8u-dev after backporting JDK-8067139 and JDK-8066232
- JDK-8072000 core-libs jdk.nashorn New compiler warning after JDK-8067139
- JDK-8072426 core-libs jdk.nashorn Can't compare Java enums to strings
- JDK-8072595 core-libs jdk.nashorn nashorn should not use obj.getClass() for null checks
- JDK-8072596 core-libs jdk.nashorn Arrays.asList results in ClassCastException with a JS array
- JDK-8072626 core-libs jdk.nashorn Test for JDK-8068872 fails in tip
- JDK-8072853 core-libs jdk.nashorn SimpleScriptContext used by NashornScriptEngine doesn't completely complies to the spec regarding exception throwing
- JDK-8073707 core-libs jdk.nashorn cons t re-ass ignment should not reported as a "early error"
- JDK-8073868 core-libs jdk.nashorn Regex matching causes java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 64
- JDK-8074021 core-libs jdk.nashorn Indirect eval fails when used as an element of an array or as a property of an object
- JDK-8074031 core-libs jdk.nashorn Canonicalize "is a JS string" tests
- JDK-8074410 core-libs jdk.nashorn Startup time: Port shell.js to Java
- JDK-8074484 core-libs jdk.nashorn More aggressive value discarding
- JDK-8074487 core-libs jdk.nashorn Static analysis of IfNode should consider terminating branches
- JDK-8074687 core-libs jdk.nashorn Add tests for JSON parsing of numeric keys
- JDK-8075006 core-libs jdk.nashorn Threads spinning infinitely in WeakHashMap.get running test262parallel
- JDK-8075090 core-libs jdk.nashorn Add tests for the basic failure of try/finally compilation
- JDK-8075231 core-libs jdk.nashorn Typed array setters are very slow when index e xceeds capacity
- JDK-8075366 core-libs jdk.nashorn Slow scope access to global let/const does not work
- JDK-8075604 core-libs jdk.nashorn jjs exits even when non-daemon threads are still active
- JDK-8075927 core-libs jdk.nashorn toNumber(String) accepts illegal characters
- JDK-8076646 core-libs jdk.nashorn nashorn tests should avoid using package names used by nashorn sources
- JDK-8076972 core-libs jdk.nashorn Several nashorn tests failing
- JDK-8077955 core-libs jdk.nashorn Undeclared globals in eval code should not be handled as fast scope
- JDK-8078049 core-libs jdk.nashorn Nashorn crashes when attempting to start TypeScript compiler
- JDK-8078414 core-libs jdk.nashorn Don't create impossible converters for ScriptObjectMirror
- JDK-8078612 core-libs jdk.nashorn Persistent code cache should support more configurations
- JDK-8079145 core-libs jdk.nashorn jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.arrays.IntArrayData.convert assertion
- JDK-8079269 core-libs jdk.nashorn Optimistic rewrite in object literal causes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
- JDK-8079349 core-libs jdk.nashorn Eliminate dead code around Nashorn code generator
- JDK-8079362 core-libs jdk.nashorn Enforce best practices for Node token API usage
- JDK-8079424 core-libs jdk.nashorn Code generator emits an extra POP for discarded boolean logical operation
- JDK-8079470 core-libs jdk.nashorn Misleading error message when explicit signature constructor is called with wrong arguments
- JDK-8080087 core-libs jdk.nashorn Nashorn $ENV.PWD is originally undefined
- JDK-8080090 core-libs jdk.nashorn -d option should dump script source as well
- JDK-8080275 core-libs jdk.nashorn transparently download testng.jar for Nashorn testing
- JDK-8080286 core-libs jdk.nashorn use path separator setting consistently in Nashorn project properties
- JDK-8080471 core-libs jdk.nashorn fix usage of replace and file separato r in Nas horn tests
- JDK-8080490 core-libs jdk.nashorn add $EXECV command to Nashorn scripting mode
- JDK-8080598 core-libs jdk.nashorn Javadoc warnings in after lazy initialization
- JDK-8080848 core-libs jdk.nashorn delete of bound Java method property results in crash
- JDK-8081015 core-libs jdk.nashorn Allow conversion of native arrays to Queue and Collection
- JDK-8081062 core-libs jdk.nashorn ListAdapter should take advantage of JSObject
- JDK-8081156 core-libs jdk.nashorn jjs "nashorn.args" system property is not effective when script arguments are passed
- JDK-8081204 core-libs jdk.nashorn ListAdapter throws NPE when adding/removing elements outside of JS context
- JDK-8081603 core-libs jdk.nashorn erroneous dot file generated from Nashorn --print-code
- JDK-8081604 core-libs jdk.nashorn rename ScriptingFunctions.tokenizeCommandLine
- JDK-8081609 core-libs jdk.nashorn engine.eval call from a java method which was called f rom a previous engine.eval results in wrong ScriptContext being used.
- JDK-8081668 core-libs jdk.nashorn fix Nashorn ant externals command
- JDK-8081696 core-libs jdk.nashorn reduce dependency of Nashorn tests on external components
- JDK-8081809 core-libs jdk.nashorn Missing final modifier in method parameters (nashorn code convention)
- JDK-8081813 core-libs jdk.nashorn JSONListAdapter should delegate its [[DefaultValue]] to wrapped object
- JDK-8085802 core-libs jdk.nashorn Nashorn -nse option causes parse error on anonymous function definition
- JDK-8085810 core-libs jdk.nashorn Return value of Objects.requireNonNull call can be used
- JDK-8085885 core-libs jdk.nashorn address Javadoc warnings in Nashorn source code
- JDK-8085937 core-libs jdk.nashorn add autoimports sample script to easily explore Java classes in interactive mode
- JDK-8087136 core-libs jdk.nashorn regression: apply on $EXEC fails with ClassCastException
- JDK- 8087211 core-libs jdk.nashorn Indirect evals should be strict with -strict option
- JDK-8098546 core-libs jdk.nashorn eval within a 'with' leaks definitions into global scope
- JDK-8098578 core-libs jdk.nashorn Global scope is not accessible with indirect load call
- JDK-8098807 core-libs jdk.nashorn Strict eval throws ClassCastException with large scripts
- JDK-8098808 core-libs jdk.nashorn Convert Scope from interface to class
- JDK-8098847 core-libs jdk.nashorn obj."prop" and obj.'prop' should result in SyntaxError
- JDK-8117883 core-libs jdk.nashorn nasgen prototype, instance member count calculation is wrong
- JDK-8129410 core-libs jdk.nashorn Java adapters with class-level overrides should preserve variable arity constructors
- JDK-4505697 core-svc debugger nsk/jdi/ExceptionEvent/_itself_/exevent006 and exevent008 tests fail with InvocationTargetException
- JDK-8071657 core-svc debugger JDI ObjectReferenceImpl.invokeMethod() validat ion fails for virtual invocations of method with declaring type being an interface
- JDK-6712222 core-svc Race condition in java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/
- JDK-8048050 core-svc Agent NullPointerException when rmi.port in use
- JDK-8064331 core-svc JavaSecurityAccess.doIntersectionPrivilege() drops the information about the domain combiner of the stack ACC
- JDK-8071687 core-svc tools AIX port of "8039173: Propagate errors from Diagnostic Commands as exceptions in the attach framework"
- JDK-6554593 deploy Java Control Panel accessibility problem with labels and text fields
- JDK-7017683 deploy link in some of the dialogs are not accessible
- JDK-8023324 deploy With expired or selfsigned DeploymentRuleSet, not hint is provied in JCP Rule Set dialog.
- JDK-8024156 deploy DRS: The messaging for invalid rule set jar is not explicit.
- JDK-8046790 dep loy echo elements in ruleset.xml
- JDK-8047698 deploy Clicking cancel on security dialog for preloader clears the DeniedCertStore
- JDK-8049999 deploy DRS: Want customizable message in case of application blocking if only default rule is specified
- JDK-8067171 deploy [parfait] File Handle Leak in configcache_pd.c
- JDK-8068456 deploy Revert project file accidentally pushed
- JDK-8069275 deploy The text location of "More information" overlap with "code" in mixed code dialog
- JDK-8072431 deploy Unit test failures: JNLPClassloaderTest, JNLP2ClassLoaderTest
- JDK-8074105 deploy Remove support for downloaded JavaFX classes
- JDK-8074402 deploy Add DRS rules block to Java Usage Tracker records.
- JDK-8074961 deploy Ensure JFR options could be passed to webstart app by specifying VM arguments in the JCP
- JDK-8078534 deploy DRS 1.2: checksum algorithm needs to be restricted to SHA-256
- JDK-8022268 deploy deployment_toolkit DRS: Unab le to in clude escaped characters in message
- JDK-8075179 deploy deployment_toolkit Test jnlp_file/applicationDesc/index.html#args fails with incorrect arg value
- JDK-8131321 deploy packager 8u60 Windows 64-bit packager - install succeeds but application fails to start
- JDK-8035582 deploy plugin DeploymentRuleSet on run action
- JDK-8058474 deploy plugin Applet is not started in IE on dynamic insertion into a web page
- JDK-8059622 deploy plugin Java Console GUI is irresponsive in JRE 8u20 on OS X
- JDK-8061642 deploy plugin Plugin missing MIME type registration for application/x-java-applet;version=1.8
- JDK-8069161 deploy plugin Slow cache performance since JRE 7u06
- JDK-8074481 deploy plugin [macosx] Menu items are appearing on top of other windows
- JDK-8074482 deploy plugin [macosx] Menu items disappear and redrawn quickly when moving mouse into applet frame
- JDK-8077855 deploy plugin When applet is relaunched, extra JUT rec ords can be sent
- JDK-8079677 deploy plugin fix to JDK-8078534 removed part of fix to JDK-8076220
- JDK-8080123 deploy plugin StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in CertUtils.checkWildcardDomain
- JDK-8080955 deploy plugin embedded_jnlp param requires also code or jnlp_href param or applet arg.
- JDK-8081330 deploy plugin The applet thrown NullPointerException when loading it
- JDK-8042632 deploy webstart Application with Signed JNLP cannot pass accented characters in
- JDK-8051030 deploy webstart Web Start applet process fails to exit
- JDK-8066985 deploy webstart Java Webstart downloading packed files can result in Timezone set to UTC
- JDK-8067172 deploy webstart Xcode javaws Project to Debug Native Code
- JDK-8068187 deploy webstart Fix Xcode project
- JDK-8068531 deploy webstart Netbeans javaws Project to Debug Native Code
- JDK-8068939 deploy webstart Visual Studio javaws Project to Debug Native Code
- JDK-8072003 deploy webstar t NPE (instead of proper error dialog) thrown when some jnlp files have no resources
- JDK-8072999 deploy webstart DRS certificate based rule does not match with Java WS Application compressed by pack200
- JDK-8077285 deploy webstart jnlp spec version 8.20 is not supported
- JDK-8077649 deploy webstart jnlp "codebase" attribute has been made mandatory
- JDK-8077925 deploy webstart Jnlp fails to load with CouldNotLoadArgumentException after JDK-8075179
- JDK-8078893 deploy webstart cert based run rule doesn't work when running offline
- JDK-8080607 deploy webstart Web Start does not honor height / width % values
- JDK-8080785 deploy webstart remove dead code to donwload JavaFX on demand.
- JDK-8080774 globalization DateFormat for Singapore/English locale (en_SG) is M/d/yy instead of d/M/yy
- JDK-8072453 globalization translation [de,fr,pt_BR,sv] duplicate mnemonics in JCP security tab.
- JDK-8072589 globalization translation [ windows 8] S. Chinese quotation mark needs to be replaced by English quotation mark
- JDK-8079361 globalization translation Broken Localization Strings (
- JDK-8083601 globalization translation jdk8u60 l10n resource file translation update 2
- JDK-8075798 hotspot Allow ADLC register class to depend on runtime conditions also for cisc-spillable classes
- JDK-8006960 hotspot compiler hotspot, "impossible" assertion failure
- JDK-8036851 hotspot compiler volatile double accesses are not explicitly atomic in C2
- JDK-8036913 hotspot compiler make DeoptimizeALot dependent on number of threads
- JDK-8037140 hotspot compiler C1: Incorrect argument type used for SharedRuntime::OSR_migration_end in LIRGenerator::do_Goto
- JDK-8060036 hotspot compiler C2: CmpU nodes can end up with wrong type information
- JDK-8062280 hotspot compiler C2: inlining failure due to access checks being too strict
- JDK-8062591 hotsp ot compi ler SPARC PICL causes significantly longer startup times
- JDK-8065915 hotspot compiler Fix includes after 8058148: MaxNodeLimit and LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff
- JDK-8068881 hotspot compiler SIGBUS in C2 compiled method weblogic.wsee.jaxws.framework.jaxrpc.EnvironmentFactory$SimulatedWsdlDefinitions.
- JDK-8068909 hotspot compiler SIGSEGV in c2 compiled code with OptimizeStringConcat
- JDK-8068915 hotspot compiler C2: uncommon trap w/ Reason_speculate_class_check causes performance regression due to continuous deoptimizations
- JDK-8068945 hotspot compiler Use RBP register as proper frame pointer in JIT compiled code on x86
- JDK-8069263 hotspot compiler assert(fm == NULL || fm->method_holder() == _participants[n]) failed: sanity
- JDK-8071302 hotspot compiler assert(!_reg_node[reg_lo] || edge_from_to(_reg_node[reg_lo],def)) failed: after block local scheduling
- JDK-8071534 hotspot compiler assert(!failing()) failed: Must not have pending failure. Reason is: out of memory
- JDK-8072383 hotspot compiler resolve conflicts between open and closed ports
- JDK-8072753 hotspot compiler Nondeterministic wrong answer on arithmetic
- JDK-8074548 hotspot compiler Never-taken branches cause repeated deopts in MHs.GWT case
- JDK-8074551 hotspot compiler GWT can be marked non-compilable due to deopt count pollution
- JDK-8074869 hotspot compiler C2 code generator can replace -0.0f with +0.0f on Linux
- JDK-8075587 hotspot compiler Compilation of constant array containing different sub classes crashes the JVM
- JDK-8076523 hotspot compiler assert(((ABS(iv_adjustment_in_bytes) % elt_size) == 0)) fails in superword.cpp
- JDK-8077504 hotspot compiler Unsafe load can loose control dependency and cause crash
- JDK-8078113 hotspot compiler 8011102 changes may cause incorrect results.
- JDK-8078482 hotspot compiler ppc: pass thread to throw_AbstractMethodError
- JDK-8078497 hotspot compiler C2's superword optimization causes unaligned memory accesses
- JDK-8078666 hotspot compiler JVM fastdebug build compiled with GCC 5 asserts with "widen increases"
- JDK-8078866 hotspot compiler compiler/eliminateAutobox/6934604/ assert(p_f->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse) failed
- JDK-8079343 hotspot compiler Crash in PhaseIdealLoop with "assert(!had_error) failed: bad dominance"
- JDK-8080012 hotspot compiler JVM times out with vdbench on SPARC M7-16
- JDK-8080156 hotspot compiler Integer.toString(int value) sometimes throws NPE
- JDK-8080190 hotspot compiler PPC64: Fix wrong rotate instructions in the .ad file
- JDK-8080281 hotspot compiler 8068945 changes break building the zero JVM variant
- JDK-7176220 hotspot gc Full GC' events miss date stamp information occasionally
- JDK-8027962 hotspot gc Per-phase timing measurements for strong roots processing
- JDK-8031686 hotspot gc G1: assert(_hrs.max_leng th() == _expansion_regions) failed
- JDK-8033440 hotspot gc jmap reports unexpected used/free size of concurrent mark-sweep generation
- JDK-8048179 hotspot gc Early reclaim of large objects that are referenced by a few objects
- JDK-8049536 hotspot gc os::commit_memory on Solaris uses aligment_hint as page size
- JDK-8049864 hotspot gc TestParallelHeapSizeFlags fails with unexpected heap size
- JDK-8051837 hotspot gc Remove temporary G1UseParallelRSetUpdating and G1UseParallelRSetScanning flags
- JDK-8053998 hotspot gc Hot card cache flush chunk size too coarse grained
- JDK-8057037 hotspot gc Verification in ClassLoaderData::is_alive is too slow
- JDK-8058354 hotspot gc SPECjvm2008-Derby -2.7% performance regression on Solaris-X64 starting with 9-b29
- JDK-8058801 hotspot gc G1TraceReclaimDeadHumongousObjectsAtYoungGC only prints humongous object liveness output when there is at least one candidate humongous object
- JDK-8060025 ho tspot gc Object copy time regressions after JDK-8031323 and JDK-8057536
- JDK-8061259 hotspot gc ParNew promotion failed is serialized on a lock
- JDK-8061630 hotspot gc G1 iterates over JNIHandles two times
- JDK-8062672 hotspot gc JVM crashes during GC on various asserts which checks that HeapWord ptr is an oop
- JDK-8064473 hotspot gc Improved handling of age during object copy in G1
- JDK-8065358 hotspot gc Refactor G1s usage of save_marks and reduce related races
- JDK-8066771 hotspot gc Refactor VM GC operations caused by allocation failure
- JDK-8067469 hotspot gc G1 ignores AlwaysPreTouch
- JDK-8067655 hotspot gc Clean up G1 remembered set oop iteration
- JDK-8068036 hotspot gc assert(is_available(index)) failed in G1 cset
- JDK-8069273 hotspot gc Decrease Hot Card Cache Lock contention
- JDK-8069367 hotspot gc Eagerly reclaimed humongous objects left on mark stack
- JDK-8069760 hotspot gc When iterating over a card , G1 oft en iterates over much more references than are contained in the card
- JDK-8073944 hotspot gc Simplify ArgumentsExt and remove unneeded functionallity
- JDK-8074037 hotspot gc Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
- JDK-8074561 hotspot gc Wrong volatile qualifier for field ClassLoaderDataGraphKlassIteratorAtomic::_next_klass
- JDK-8075210 hotspot gc Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
- JDK-8075215 hotspot gc SATB buffer processing found reclaimed humongous object
- JDK-8075466 hotspot gc SATB queue pre-filter verify found reclaimed humongous object
- JDK-8076265 hotspot gc Simplify deal_with_reference
- JDK-8077255 hotspot gc TracePageSizes output reports wrong page size on Windows with G1
- JDK-8078021 hotspot gc SATB apply_closure_to_completed_buffer should have closure argument
- JDK-8078023 hotspot gc verify_no_cset_oops found re claimed humongous object in SATB buffer
- JDK-8085965 hotspot gc VM hangs in C2Compiler
- JDK-8086111 hotspot gc BACKOUT - metaspace/shrink_grow/CompressedClassSpaceSize fails with OOM: Compressed class space
- JDK-8087200 hotspot gc Code heap does not use large pages
- JDK-8129108 hotspot gc nmethod related crash in CMS
- JDK-6584008 hotspot jvmti jvmtiStringPrimitiveCallback should not be invoked when string value is null
- JDK-8013942 hotspot jvmti JSR 292: assert(type() == T_OBJECT) failed: type check
- JDK-8042796 hotspot jvmti jvmtiRedefineClasses.cpp: guarantee(false) failed: OLD and/or OBSOLETE method(s) found
- JDK-8046246 hotspot jvmti the constantPoolCacheOopDesc::adjust_method_entries() used in RedefineClasses does not scale
- JDK-8067662 hotspot jvmti "java.lang.NullPointerException: Method name is null" from StackTraceElement.
- JDK-8073705 hotspot jvmti more performance issues in class redefinition
- JDK-8076579 h otspot j vmti Popping a stack frame after exception breakpoint sets last method param to exception
- JDK-6536943 hotspot runtime Bogus -Xcheck:jni warning for SIG_INT action for SIGINT in JVM started from non-interactive shell
- JDK-7127066 hotspot runtime Class verifier accepts an invalid class file
- JDK-8027914 hotspot runtime Client JVM silently exit with fail exit code when running in compact(1,2) with options and -XX:+ManagementServer
- JDK-8043224 hotspot runtime -Xcheck:jni improvements to exception checking and excessive local refs
- JDK-8046668 hotspot runtime Excessive checked JNI warnings from Java startup
- JDK-8047382 hotspot runtime hotspot build failed with gcc version Red Hat 4.4.6-4
- JDK-8051045 hotspot runtime HotSpot fails to wrap Exceptions from invokedynamic in a BootstrapMethodError
- JDK-8053995 hotspot runtime Add method to WhiteBox to get vm pagesize.
- JDK-8055231 hotspot runtime ZERO varian t build is broken
- JDK-8058345 hotspot runtime Refactor native stack printing from vmError.cpp to debug.cpp to make it available in gdb as well
- JDK-8058935 hotspot runtime CPU detection gives 0 cores per cpu, 2 threads per core in Amazon EC2 environment
- JDK-8064815 hotspot runtime Zero+PPC64: Stack overflow when running Maven
- JDK-8066875 hotspot runtime VirtualSpace does not use large pages
- JDK-8067231 hotspot runtime Zero builds fails after JDK-6898462
- JDK-8067331 hotspot runtime Zero: Atomic::xchg and Atomic::xchg_ptr need full memory barrier
- JDK-8069412 hotspot runtime Locks need better debug-printing support
- JDK-8071501 hotspot runtime perfMemory_solaris.cpp failing to compile with "Error: dd_fd is not a member of DIR."
- JDK-8072588 hotspot runtime JVM crashes in JNI if toString is declared as an interface method
- JDK-8072863 hotspot runtime Replace fatal() with vm_exit_during_initialization() when an incorrect c lass is found on the bootclasspath
- JDK-8075118 hotspot runtime JVM stuck in infinite loop during verification
- JDK-8076212 hotspot runtime AllocateHeap() and ReallocateHeap() should be inlined.
- JDK-8077674 hotspot runtime BSD build failures due to undefined macros
- JDK-8078470 hotspot runtime [Linux] Replace syscall use in os::fork_and_exec with glibc fork() and execve()
- JDK-8025636 hotspot svc Hide lambda proxy frames in stacktraces
- JDK-8044416 hotspot svc serviceability/sa/jmap-hashcode/ fails with AssertionFailure: can not get class data for java/lang/UNIXProcess$Platform$$Lambda
- JDK-8044531 hotspot svc Event based tracing locks to rank as leafs where possible
- JDK-8046282 hotspot svc SA update
- JDK-8049881 hotspot svc jstack not working on core files
- JDK-8053902 hotspot svc Fix for 8030115 breaks build on Windows and Solaris
- JDK-8069030 hotspot svc support new PTRACE_GETREGSET
- JDK-807 2932 hot spot svc Test fails with access denied ("" "getDomainCombiner")
- JDK-8073688 hotspot svc Infinite loop reading types during jmap attach.
- JDK-8075331 hotspot svc jdb eval java.util.Arrays.asList(array) shows inconsistent behaviour
- JDK-8081475 hotspot svc SystemTap does not work when JDK is compiled with GCC 5
- JDK-8080600 hotspot test AARCH64: testlibrary does not support AArch64
- JDK-8067630 install [mac os x] Update '3 Billion Devices' Advert on SetupProgress Dialog
- JDK-8072868 install 8u20 and later should not change the MSI UpgradeCode for each JRE version
- JDK-8076982 install Create HKLM\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\ registry keys with msi.
- JDK-8078310 install [macosx] StagedXML is missing
- JDK-8081423 install Improve naming consistency in make/installer/bundles/macosx/Makefile
- JDK-8056992 install auto_update [AU]The auto up date win dow does not read the tag of au-descriptor.xml file to set the "More information" link
- JDK-8058929 install auto_update [de, fr, it, ko, pt_BR, sv] Layout issue (truncation) in AUWelcome dialog
- JDK-8071490 install auto_update JDK9 nightly build from 01/23 failed
- JDK-8071838 install auto_update Add files skipped from the fix to JDK-8071490 by mistake
- JDK-6580611 install install Install dialogs look bad on Windows when display is set to high DPI
- JDK-6745371 install install MSI/MST files should be deleted after install
- JDK-7198599 install install Incorrect UninstallString windows register key in JDK 1.6, 1.7 and 8
- JDK-8049608 install install HtmlUI: "Change destination folder" checkbox in WelcomeDialog is not accessible by mouse
- JDK-8049614 install install HtmlUI: checkbox text labels should be clickable
- JDK-8072940 install install 8u60 nightly solaris_sparcv9_5.10-product build fails
- JDK-8075409 install insta ll jre8- 40 fails to install on SuSE 11.3
- JDK-8050123 other-libs corba Incorrect property name documented in CORBA InputStream API
- JDK-8068721 other-libs corba RMI-IIOP communication fails when ConcurrentHashMap is passed to remote method
- JDK-8081590 performance The CDS classlist needs to be updated for 8u60
- JDK-8054037 security-libs Improve tracing for
- JDK-8058547 security-libs Memory leak in ProtectionDomain cache
- JDK-8062264 security-libs KeychainStore requires non-null password to be supplied when retrieving a private key
- JDK-8062552 security-libs Support keystore type detection for JKS and PKCS12 keystores
- JDK-8077418 security-libs StackOverflowError during PolicyFile lookup
- JDK-8079129 security-libs NullPointerException in PKCS#12 Keystore in
- JDK-7065233 security-libs javax.cryp to To in terpret case-insensitive string locale independently
- JDK-8069072 security-libs javax.crypto Improve GHASH performance
- JDK-8080102 security-libs javax.crypto Java 8 cannot load its cacerts in FIPS. no such provider: SunEC
- JDK-8062170 security-libs javax.crypto:pkcs11 Error parsing configuration with space
- JDK-8055207 security-libs keystore and truststore debug output could be much better
- JDK-8059588 security-libs deadlock in java/io/PrintStream when verbose flags are set
- JDK-8072385 security-libs Only the first DNSName entry is checked for endpoint identification
- JDK-8076221 security-libs Disable RC4 cipher suites
- JDK-8077102 security-libs org.ietf.jgss:krb5 dns_lookup_realm should be false by default
- JDK-8068937 tools jdeps shows "not found" if target class has no reference other than its own package
- JDK-80 80815 tools Update 8u jdeps list of internal APIs
- JDK-8028389 tools javac NullPointerException compiling annotation values that have bodies
- JDK-8037546 tools javac javac -parameters does not emit parameter names for lambda expressions
- JDK-8039262 tools javac Java compiler performance degradation jdk1.7 vs. jdk1.6 should be amended
- JDK-8054220 tools javac Debugger doesn't show variables *outside* lambda
- JDK-8055963 tools javac Inference failure with nested invocation
- JDK-8058227 tools javac Debugger has no access to outer variables inside Lambda
- JDK-8061778 tools javac Wrong LineNumberTable for default constructors
- JDK-8064803 tools javac Javac erroneously uses instantiated signatures when merging abstract most-specific methods
- JDK-8064857 tools javac javac generates LVT entry with length 0 for local variable
- JDK-8066808 tools javac langtools/test/Makefile should not use OS-specific jtreg binary
- JDK- 8068489 tools javac remove unnecessary complexity in Flow and Bits, after JDK-8064857
- JDK-8068517 tools javac Compiler may generate wrong InnerClasses attribute for static enum reference
- JDK-8068639 tools javac Make certain annotation classfile warnings opt-in
- JDK-8069181 tools javac java.lang.AssertionError when compiling JDK 1.4 code in JDK 8
- JDK-8069545 tools javac javac, shouldn't check nested stuck lambdas during overload resolution
- JDK-8073372 tools javac Redundant CONSTANT_Class entry not generated for inlined constant
- JDK-8075520 tools javac Varargs access check mishandles capture variables
- JDK-8077786 tools javac Check varargs access against inferred signature
- JDK-8078560 tools javac The crash reporting URL listed by javac needs to be updated
- JDK-8079613 tools javac Deeply chained expressions + several overloads + unnecessary inference result in excessive compile times.
- JDK-8080842 tools javac Using Lambd a Expres sion with name clash results in ClassFormatError
- JDK-8072461 tools javadoc(tool) Table's field width in "Use" page generated by javadoc with '-s' is unbalanced
- JDK-8073972 tools launcher Deprecate Multi-Version Java Launcher (mJRE) for JDK8
- JDK-8077822 tools launcher javac does not recognize '*.java' as file if '-J' option is specified
- JDK-7156085 xml javax.xml.parsers ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException throws in UTF8Reader of SAXParser
- JDK-8062518 xml jaxp AIOBE occurs when accessing to document function in extended function in JAXP
- JDK-8062924 xml jaxp XSL: wrong answer from substring() function
- JDK-8081392 xml jaxp getNodeValue should return 'null' value for Element nodes

Description of Java JDK 8 Update 60 (32-bit)

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